Olga Berg
As a coach, I rely on my dual expertise in mental health and business to empower my clients. By listening empathetically and offering practical tools applicable to modern day challenges, I support my clients to pursue lives aligned to their values.
                            "My coaching style and values reflect my own journey through life - the journey of a parent, a professional, and a partner, who has struggled to keep afloat amidst life's competing priorities.

                             While I had been involved in personal development ventures for many years, it all came to a head in 2006 when I was feeling incredibly overwhelmed by my full-time job and three young children, often compounded by my husband being away. At this time I participated in a workshop (The Work, by Byron Katie) that guided me to truly self-reflect - it led to deep, authentic inquiry that allowed me to discover the core of my issues.

                             Since then, I have formulated my own approach to coaching my clients towards authentic, meaningful living. I believe that a life well-lived is one where you are living according to your own values - this means you need to understand your priorities, and have the tools to pursue them. I apply this principle to my own life, which has enabled me to experience lasting peace even through incredible personal and professional challenges - going back to university after having children, rejoining the workforce, and a challenging divorce.

                             I am able to help my clients reach this understanding by leveraging my expertise in mental health and personal development, and my deep understanding of the challenges of being a high-performing professional. In 2007 I was certified by the School for the Work, and have been trained to use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), mindfulness techniques, Inquiry Based Stress Reduction (IBSR), and hypnosis. I was also enrolled in the University of Oxford's Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Programme. Professionally, I have worked for NASA, the US Department of State, and co-founded a charity offering humanitarian services in Ukraine.

                             In this day and age, we are often expected to excel at everything at once. Join me in discovering how you can live according to your truth, your values, and find peace."