July 6 and 13 2018 6-9:30 pm

Loving Your Challenging Child

Online workshop: July 6 and 13, 2013 6pm-9:30 Central European Time
The Work of Byron Katie and Family Constellation with Olga Berg and Anja Kern
Offered in English and German
Who is this program for?
For all parents who experience challenging moments and desire more closeness with their children.
The workshop will bring you many insights and practical understanding that will help
For parents of children with developmental or health challenges
If your child is not blossoming or developing in a way that you wish, there is a deep sense of sadness and helplessness, frustration and guilt.
For parents experiencing struggles in the relationship with their children
At different points of life we can experience a struggle in our relationship with the child, depending on their developmental stage, from toddler to young adult.
For parents of children who are not fitting in
Whether your child is gifted or has developmental challenges, this can bring about a feeling of not fitting in, feeling excluded or not good enough.
For parents experiencing bereavement and loss
In these situations loss and grief become exaserbated by guilt and false sense of responsibility.
Your family is an echo of your own past beliefs –
Byron Katie
What is The Work of Byron Katie?
The Work of Byron Katie is a simple inquiry that helps us resolve o our stressful thinking and find clarity and peace in most challenging relationships.
What is Family Constellation?
Family Canstellation helps us uncover outdated inherited patterns of behaviour. Founded by Bert Hellinger it has helped people all around the world improve their well-being and relationship.
This one day workshop will help you uncover inherited stubborn patterns in family relationships, and set on the path of investigating and healing them. Guided by the wisdom of four questions of The Work and Family Constellation, you will get the tools for self empowerment and transforming difficult to change patterns of behavior. This interactive format will allow you to deeply immerse yourself into these transformational processes, and gain confidence and practical skills to continue to achieve the change that you are longing for.
Candidates at the Institute for The Work will receive a credit of 7 hours towards their program.
Facilitated by
Olga Berg
Certified Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie
Olga Berg met Byron Katie in 2006 and since has been practicing The Work in various events with Byron Katie, on the Helpline for The Work, during workshops, tele-classes and with private clients.
Anja Kern

Naturopath and a Family Constellation practitioner

Anja met Bert Hellinger in 1998 and has been practicing FamilyConstellation ever since in different formats including workshops and private sessions in Germany, Switzerland, Austria as well as in the US. Since she trained with Mashall Rosenberg NonViolentCommunication in 2005 she has integrated his work into the FamilyConstellation and offers a unique approach in which old patterns are revealed and transformed in daily life.
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Euro 120
Contact us:
+49 15773960009

Whatsup: +1-808-635-8140

Knöbelstr. 6,
80538 München, Germany
Close to S Bahn Isartor